
Aucune extension installée

Extensions utilisateur disponibles

Nom Version Auteur Description
Always togglable menu 1.2 nicofrand This makes the icon to toggle the menu always shown, even on larger screens.
Auto Refresh 1.3 Essa AlAwadi Automatically refreshes the RSS feed when there is no activity
AutoTTL 0.5.5 Magnus Kokk A FreshRSS extension for automatic feed refresh TTL based on the average frequency of entries.
Black List 0.0.1 CNTools | Clemens Neubauer Blacklist to block feeds for users
Clickable Links 1.01 Kapdap Replaces non-clickable plain text URLs found in articles with clickable HTML links.
Colorful List 0.3.1 Claud Xiao Colorful Entry Title based on RSS source
Comics in feed 1.5.1 José Moreira Embed the images from comics feeds directly.
Copy2Clipboard 0.4 CNTools | Clemens Neubauer Copy the destination links of all visible entries into clipboard
Custom CSS 0.5.2 Marien Fressinaud Give possibility to overwrite the CSS with a user-specific rules.
Custom JS 0.5.2 Frans de Jonge Apply custom JS.
Date Format 0.2.1 Alexis Degrugillier Change how dates are displayed in the interface
Feed Priority Shortcut 1.1.0 Aidi Stan Set up visibilities/priorities of your feeds easily
FeedTitleBuilder 0.2 CNTools | Clemens Neubauer Build your own feed title based on url, the original feed title and the date the feed was added
FilterTitle 0.1.0 CNTools | Clemens Neubauer Filter feed entries by filter keywords in title
Fixed Nav Menu 0.1 Marco Heizmann Sets the position of the navigation menu to fixed when scrolling down.
FreshRss FlareSolverr 0.2 James Ravenscroft Use a Flaresolverr instance to bypass cloudflare security checks
GReader Redate 1.3 Julien Avérous Use published date instead of fetching date.
Image Cache 0.4.0 Victrid Cache feed images on your own facility or Cloudflare cache.
Image Proxy 0.7.3 Frans de Jonge No insecure content warnings or disappearing images.
Invidious Video Feed 1.1 Korbak (forked from Kevin Papst) Embed YouTube feeds inside article content, but with Invidious.
Invidious Video Feed 1.1 Paul Tunbridge (forked from Korbak and Kevin Papst) Embed YouTube feeds inside article content, but with Invidious.
Kagi Summarizer 0.2 Rudis Muiznieks Add buttons to summarize articles with the Kagi Universal Summarizer.
Keep Folder State 0.1 Marco Heizmann Stores the state of the folders locally and expand them automatically if necessary.
LaTeX support 0.1.5 Alexis Degrugillier Add support for LaTeX notation rendering
Mark Previous as Read 1.1.1 kalvn This extension adds a button in the footer of each entry. Clicking this button will mark all previous entries as read.
Mobile Scroll Menu 0.2 Marco Heizmann Automatically hides the header menu on mobile phones, when scrolling down and shows it when scrolling up.
News Assistant 0.11.2 Mervyn Zhan Using the ai api of `OpenAI`, `Anthropic`, `Groq` by [Portkey-AI/gateway](https://github.com/Portkey-AI/gateway/) to summary the news.
Pocket Button 0.4 Christian Putzke Add articles to Pocket with one simple button click or a keyboard shortcut.
Quick Collapse 0.2.2 romibi and Marien Fressinaud Quickly change from folded to unfolded articles
RSS-Bridge 1.1 Devon Hess Run URLs through RSS-Bridge detection.
Readable 0.2 printfuck Fetch article content for selected feeds with readability or mercury
Reading Time 1.5 Lapineige Add a reading time estimation next to each article title
ReadingTime 1.5.1 Lapineige Add a reading time estimation next to each article
Reddit Image 1.2.0 Alexis Degrugillier Modify reddit entries by displaying known medias and easing access to the linked resource
Remove emojis 0.1-dev CNTools | Clemens Neubauer remove emojis in the title of newly added feed entries
SendToMyJD2 0.0.1-alpha CNTools | Clemens Neubauer Send links to a jDownloader2 instance with the myJDownloader2 API
Share By Email 0.2.3 Marien Fressinaud Improve the sharing by email system.
ShowFeedID 0.3.0 math-GH Show the ID of feed and category
Smart Mobile Menu 0.1 Marco Heizmann Minimizes the required button space and groups buttons.
Sticky Feeds 0.2.1 Marien Fressinaud Set the feed aside in the main stream following the window scroll.
Theme Mode Synchronizer 1.1.4 Aidi Stan Synchronize the theme with your system light/dark mode
ThreePanesView 1.14 nicofrand Adds a third vertical pane along the articles list, to display the articles content.
TinyTinyRSS API 0.1 Marien Fressinaud Provides an API compliant with TinyTinyRSS applications.
Title-Wrap 0.3.0 ₣rans de Jonge, Joris Kinable Applies a line-wrap to long article titles, as opposed to truncating the title when it overflows its display area.
Touch Control 0.2 Marco Heizmann Add touch gestures to FreshRSS.
TranslateTitlesCN 0.2 jacob2826 Translate article titles of the specified feed into Chinese, using DeepLX or Google Translate.
TwitchChannel2RssFeed 0.2 Babico Transfer Twitch Channel URL into RSS Feed URL.
White List 0.0.1 Alexis Degrugillier White list the accessible feeds to users
YouTube Video Feed 0.12 Kevin Papst Embed YouTube feeds inside article content.
YouTubeChannel2RssFeed 0.6.1 CNTools | Clemens Neubauer Transfer YouTube URL into RSS Feed URL.